For the Christian Recorder
Christian Recorder: October 18, 1862

Turner writes about the happenings in Washington, the start of the Israel Lyceum, and takes times to criticize the New York Herald on its representation of African Americans. 

Keywords: New York Herald, Lyceum, Preaching

Mr. Editor: I hope you will not censure me for not writing regularly, as I am both in poor health and very much engaged. I merely write these few lines to let you know that I have not forgotten you since the gentle showers of heaven’s rain has fallen upon the earth again. The clouds of dust hitherto so annoying to the finely dressed gentlemen and ladies, have condensed themselves into an equal proportion of mud and slop.

Prof. A. M. Green is carrying everybody here before his sterling eloquence like a rolling tornado. We little fellows, who only have a smattering knowledge of the King’s English, have to lie very low; but in justice to the Professor, he is unquestionably a great man. Thus far, he is the idol of our literati.

Three distinguished divines have paid us a visit within the space of two weeks:- Rev. (Alexander Walker) A. W. Wayman, (John Mifflin) J.M. Brown, and J.P. Campbell,—the latter of whom preached on Sabbath morning at Israel Church. Both of his sermons were marked by a masterly distinction rarely exhibited by white or colored.

We learned that the Central American expedition is deferred till the first of October. This is done in consequence of Senator (Samuel C.) Pomeroy’s delay in Kansas. I hear that over a thousand applications are made to go in the first expedition.
The young men of Israel Church came together on Monday night last and organized a grand Lyceum. They elected H.M. Turner President, Thomas H. C. Hinton, Vice- President, J. B. Cross, Secretary William Tenny, Treasurer, J.T. Castin, McGill Pearce, and Win. Brown, Managers. The institution bids fair to be one of the very things to wake up the latent powers of the minds of all identified with it. Some twenty-three gave their names immediately, and several more are sending in their applications.

The armies about here are all standing still as if they were waiting for the first of January, 1863, so as to secure the assistance of millions of colored freeman.

I see that that miserable sheet called the New York Herald, is caving in on the negro question. Too late now, Bennett; the thing is out, and if you don’t repent of your sins, which outnumber the drops of all the oceans in the universe, you will be out, too- but it will be into outer darkness. Mr. Editor, I hope you will excuse me for referring to that infamous, rotten scrap of paper and the proprietor of which I regard as an incarnate fiend. But it speaks so contemptibly of my race, whether they be the so called contrabands or more intelligent colored men, that it unmans all my Christian gravity to think of it. Nothing less than a hell, where the fire burns forever with brimstone fuel, and where chains are employed to fasten you down to the gridirons of petition, and where red-hot lead, burning lava, and boiling pewter, is poured down the throat for water, and where the lurid, angry flames, heated ten thousand times redder than imagination can depict or thought conceive, can be adequate to the punishment due one so dreadfully steeped in hatred to his fellow-man.

I still hear nothing of that committee’s report from the President. I suppose they are preparing a document to tell with lasting effect. It is looked for with much anxiety.

                                                                                                                                          H. M. T.

Washington, Oct. 13, 1862

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