Washington Correspondence
Christian Recorder: October 25, 1862

Turner writes about the happenings in Washington, DC.

Keywords: Preaching, Church

Our city is still the seat of bustle and stir. The militia tramp and sable clank are among the many things engaging attention. People never seem to lose curiosity in the war matters, but with an insatiable anxiety they untiringly hunger and thirst to see all that can be seen and hear what all can be heard; no deep metaphysical disquisition is engaging to the attention now; everybody desires something light, something easily digested. Washington might be compared to Athens, when everybody was on the alert to hear something new. The inactivity of nothing is appreciable, but all is commotion, move, and stir. While nature is laying off her green carpet and blooming foliage, to slumber through the cheerless nights and dreary days of the coming season of another wintry chill, the human mind walks in all the vigor of its native powers, and permeates the elements of every circle. No blighting frost or numbing wind appears to arrest its roving spray, bus dashes as with electric prongs—surcharged with ever restless elements that defy boundaries or limitation.

On Monday evening, Oct.13, the Rev. B.T. Tanner delivered a lecture before a Washington audience in Israel church, on the duty and destiny of the AME church.

After its delivery the large assembly present organized themselves into an informal Mass Meeting. Rev. J.P. Campbell of Philadelphia being present, by motion was called to chair. After which John T. Castin, Esq., moved that this honorable body request Rev. B.T. Tanner to publish his very elegant lecture. Professor A.M. Green moved to amend Mr. Castin’s motion, by empowering the President to appoint a committee to negotiate with Rev. B.T. Tanner relative to its publication which prevailed unanimously. After which the Rev. James Reed, John T. Castin and Rev. Wm Hughes, paid most eloquently a glowing tribute to the rare merits of the lecture, which had just held them enchained for an hour and a half.
Wednesday night the 15 inst,. Rev. J.P. Campbell also lectured before the Contraband Association, at Union Bethel Church. Rev Campbell spoke very applaudingly to the society and his great power of creative genius which is never loss for an idea, poured out in living streams a flood of encouragement, unlike the man who had never drank deep at the fountain of science, theology and polite literature.
The sons and daughters of Love and Charity, No. 17, held a grand demonstration in Israel Church on Thursday night the 16th inst., of which Mr. James Hames was the grand Master. They appeared in their full regalia with emblems answering to every grade or degree of their order. Mr. Wm. Thomas delivered a lecture before the large assemblage, vindicating the honor of secret institutions which he did with arguments irrefutable. This was the first time we ever saw this much spoken gentleman and we are proud to say, that he is a fit representative of the race with whom he is identified.

Rev. A.W. Wayman preached the funeral sermon of the lamented Henry Taite, Sabbath afternoon, 19th inst., from the text, Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. And just imagine what he did with it. His former reputation will speak it better than I can write it.

                                                                                                                                            H. M. T.

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