Washington Correspondence
Christian Recorder: November 29, 1862

Turner writes about the happenings in Washington, DC

Keywords: Contraband, Convention

Mr. Editor:--There is nothing of importance that has transpired, since you last heard from us. There is some excitement here in regard to a report, which has gained currency, relative to Jackson marching upon Washington, though it is thought to be a mere sensation report, got up by some traitorous sympathizer for the purpose of producing an effect.

The friends of humanity are preparing to give a grand dinner to the contrabands, on Thursday, 27th inst., at which time there will be several distinguished persons, who will deliver addresses to them. We hope it would be a grand affair.

Bishop Payne is in the city and will preach tomorrow at Israel church. He looks to be the very picture of health.

I stated in my last that I would give in full, the proceedings of the contraband convention, held at Union Bethel church, but as nothing of importance was done more than election of officer, I will merely insert their names, for the benefit of the public.

William Slade, Esq., President
William H. Wilson, Vice President
John T. Johnson, Recording Secretary
James L. Thomas, Corresponding Secretary
Benjamin F. Lannun, Treasurer

The committee for drafting a constitution were, John T. Johnson. William H. Wilson, James L. Thomas.

The convention meets again on the 27th inst., at 2 o’clock, P.M. at which time I hope things will be brought to a working status.

Mr. William Slade, the President, is the right man in the right place. While I have no personal acquaintance with the gentleman, yet it affords me pleasure to say that we need have no hesitancy or fears, that the position held by him will not be more than satisfactorily filled. His amiable traits of character which must necessarily be brought to a higher state of development, by virtue of the responsibilities of his present position, will rank him among the brightest gems in Washington.

The most of our churches will observe Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) with religious services.

                                                                                                                                           H. M. T.

Washington, Nov. 22d, 1862

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