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- Another Word from the Manager
Another Word from the Manager
Christian Recorder: August 10, 1876
When will the new Disciplines be out? When will the General Conference Minutes be out?
These are questions which are asked daily through letters and postal cards, sent to this office. Now let me say to all concerned, and three hundred thousand ought to be concerned, if they are not, that it is impossible for me to answer these questions. I told you all when I took possession of the Publication Department, there were no moneys on hand, and I had none advance, and small pittance which comes in every week is consumed in the publication of the CHRISTIAN RECORDER. I spoke to reducing the size and expenses of the RECORDER a few weeks ago, and several ministers were about to go into spasms over it, so I had to retain size at the risk of augmenting our debts. Thus I am drifting upon the shifting current of the restless man and heaven only knows where we will halt.
I know that some of our Brethren disapprove of my plain talk; they say you injure the Concern, by disheartening the people. Well, if telling the plan truth injures us, we must be injured. In a short time you will be demanding thus and so; and throwing the blame on me, if they don’t come, for even now, I can’t fill half the orders.
So, if you do not like to hear the facts, help us to change these facts, to such a condition that you will like them…..
Now, brethren you will hear from me again, if you do not wake up and the next time you will complain indeed.
Don’t forget that my hands are tied for the want of money.