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- Tunis Campbell Sr.
Tunis G. Campbell, Sr.
Colored Tribune: May 13, 1876
The following petition, for the pardon of Mr. Campbell, was presented the names are signed thereto, on the 5th inst. Dr. Turner acted as spokesman and delivered a short appeal to the Governor who has promised to give the matter careful consideration:
To His Excellency, James M. Smith,
Governor of Georgia.
The undersigned colored men, representing a large majority of the colored people of this State, and identified with all of the interests of Georgia, most respectfully and earnestly petition your Excellency to pardon Tunis G. Campbell Sr, now serving out a sentence of the Superior Court of Mc Intosh County and detained in custody at hard labor in Washington County.
The undersigned, your petitioners, without adverting to the circumstances of trial and Conviction of Tunis G. Campbell, respectfully urge as reasons for Executive clemency the age of the prisoner, the time already served by him, and the humiliation of being displaced by conviction, from the position he once held in the affections and esteem of his race. We respectfully petition your Excellency to perform this gracious act to the colored people of Georgia herein expressed, and we assure your Excellency that you shall carry to your home after retiring from the responsibilities and vexations of your present exalted position, the gratitude of a race. And your petitioners will Ever pray.
H. M. Turner.
J. M. Simms.
Ed Belcher.
Jao H. Deveaux.
Wm Craft
Wm A Pledger.
Judson w. Lyons.
W. H. Harrison.
Lewis W. Pleasant.
Thomas Butler.
W. D. Moore.
Geo Wallace.
E. R. Belcher.
Jas B. Deveaux.
L. C. Belcher.
J. A. Brown.
W. B. Higginbotham