Works by and about Bishop Henry McNeal Turner (in progress)
Turner Authored Publications:
The Civil and Political Status of the State of Georgia (1870).
A Speech on the Present Duties and Future Destiny of the Negro Race (1872)
Tribute to Hon. Charles Sumner (1875)
The Genius and Theory of Methodist Polity: Or, The Machinery of Methodism. (1885)
Men of Mark: Eminent, Progressive and Rising (1887)
The Barbarous Decision of the United States Supreme Court Declaring the Civil Rights Act Unconstitutional and Disrobing the Colored Race of All Civil Protection. (1893)
African Letters (1891)
Glimpses of Africa by C.S. Smith. Introduction by Turner (1895)
Will it Be Possible for the Negro to Attain, In the Country, Unto the American Type of Civilization? (1902)
History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Alabama by W. H. Mixon. Introduction by Turner (1902)
Bio Sketches of Turner
Henry McNeal Turner D D: The Eminent Colored Preacher of the South (1875)
Henry McNeal Turner, by Clarence Bacote (1942)
Angell, Stephen W. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African American Religion in the South. University of Tennessee Press, 1992
Johnson, Andre E. No Future in This Country: The Prophetic Pessimism of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. University Press of Mississippi, 2020
Johnson, Andre E. The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition. Lexington Books, 2012
Lankford, John A. Unfinished Biography of Henry McNeal Turner.
Ponton, Mungo M. Life and Times of Bishop Henry M. Turner. A. B. Caldwell Pub. Co. Atlanta, Ga. 1917
Wilson, Keith P. Campfires of Freedom: The Camp Life of Black Soldiers During the Civil War. The Kent State University Press, 2002 (Chapter 5: Godly Correspondents and Military Advocates: Black Chaplains at Work in USCT Camps)
Edited Collections of Turner Writings:
Cole, Jean Lee, (ed). Freedom's Witness: The Civil War Correspondence of Henry McNeal Turner. West Virginia University Press, 2013
Johnson, Andre E, (ed). The Literary Archive of Henry McNeal Turner. Edwin Mellen Press. Volumes 1-6. (2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018)
Redkey, Edwin. Respect Black: The Writings and Speeches of Henry McNeal Turner. Arno Press (1971)
Book Chapters:
Adeleke, Tunde. Henry McNeal Turner: The Cultural Imperative of Imperialism in UnAfrican Americans: Nineteenth-Century Black Nationalists and the Civilizing Mission. The University Press of Kentucky, 1998
Angell, Stephen Ward. Henry McNeal Turner - Conservative? Radical? or Independent? in Black Conservatism: Essays in Intellectual and Political History, Peter Eisenstadt (ed). Garland Publishing, 1999.
Angell, Stephen Ward. Black Methodist Preachers in the South Carolina Upcountry, 1840-1866 in Ain't Gonna Lay My 'ligion Down, Alonzo Johnson and Paul Jersild (eds). University of South Carolina Press, 1996
Angell, Stephen Ward. The Controversy Over Women Ministry in the African Methodist Episcopal Church During the 1880's: The Case of Sarah Ann Hughes, in This Far By Faith: Readings in African-American Women's Religious Biography. By Judith Weisenfeld and Richard Newman, eds. (Rutledge: New York, 1996)
Dickerson, Dennis. Gender and the Gospel: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the Rise of the Female Clergy in Georgia, 1896-1908 in A Liberated Past: Explorations in AME Church History. AME Church, 2003.
Dittmer, John. "The Education of Henry McNeal Turner." Black Leaders of the Nineteenth Century (1988): 253-72.
Johnson, Andre E. Fighting the Devil With Fire: The Political Rhetoric of Henry McNeal Turner During Reconstruction in The Handbook of Research on Black Males. Theodore S. Ransaw, C.P. Gause, and Richard Majors. Michigan State University Press, 2019
Johnson, Andre E. I Have Had to Pass through Blood and Fire” Henry McNeal Turner and the I Rhetorical Legacy of Reconstruction in Remembering the Memphis Massacre: An American Story edited by Beverly Greene Bond and Susan Eva O'Donovan. Georgia University Press, 2020
Johnson, Andre E. Is the Negro Like Other People: Race, Religion and the Didactic Oratory of Henry McNeal Turner in Converging Identities: Blackness in the Modern African Diaspora, Julius Adekunle (ed). Carolina Academic Press, 2013
Johnson, Robert Jr. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African American Institutional Support for Repatriation in Returning Home: A Century of African American Repatriation. Africa World Press, 2005.
Lassiter, Patrice Shelton. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner: Laying the Foundation, in Generations of Black Life in Kennesaw and Marietta, Georgia. Arcadia Publishing, 1999
Redkey, Edwin. "Henry McNeal Turner: Black Chaplain in the Union Army." Black Soldiers in Blue: African American Troops in the Civil War Era (2002): 336-360.
Redkey, Edwin S. "The Flowering of Black Nationalism: Henry McNeal Turner and Marcus Garvey." Key Issues in the Afro-American Experience 2 (1974): 123.
Book Reviews:
Gatewood, Willard B. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South" by Stephen Ward Angell (Review) The South Carolina Historical Magazine Vol. 94, No. 1 (Jan. 1993), pp. 62-64
Harris, Michael W. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South. By Stephen Ward Angell. (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992. xii+ 340 pp. $34.95, ISBN 0-87049-734-0.)." The Journal of American History 80.2 (1993): 683-684.
Hill, Theon E. "The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition by Andre E. Johnson (review)." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 18.1 (2015): 184-187.
Martin, Sandy D., and Stephen Ward Angell. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South." (1993): 209-210.
Patterson, Cynthia L. "Freedom's Witness: The Civil War Correspondence of Henry McNeal Turner ed. by Jean Lee Cole (review)." American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism 24.2 (2014): 209-212.
Tucker, David M. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. 1992. Pp. xii, 340. $34.95." The American Historical Review 98.3 (1993): 953-954.
Wolfe, Margaret Ripley. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South." The Mississippi Quarterly 47.1 (1993): 186-189.
Journal Articles:
Angell, Stephen W. A Black Minister Befriends the "Unquestioned Father of Civil Rights": Henry McNeal Turner, Charles Sumner, and the African-American Quest for Freedom. The Georgia Historical Quarterly Vol. 85, No. 1 (SPRING 2001), pp. 27-58
Alexander, Jordan O. (2015) "Trailblazer: The Legacy of Bishop Henry M. Turner During the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Jim Crowism," Bound Away: The Liberty Journal of History: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 5
Bacote, C A. H. M. TURNER Negro History Bulletin 5.6 (Mar 1, 1942): 129.
Batten, J. Minton. Henry M. Turner, Negro Bishop Extraordinary. Church History. Vol. 7, No. 3 (Sep., 1938), pp. 231-246
Blassingame, John W. Before the Ghetto: The Making of the Black Community in Savannah, Georgia,1865-1880. Journal of Social History, Vol. 6, No. 4. (Summer, 1973), pp. 463-488
Coan, Josephus R. Henry McNeal Turner: A Fearless Prophet of Black Liberation. Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center.
Coulter, Merton E. Henry M. Turner: Georgia Negro Preacher-Politician During the Reconstruction Era. The Georgia Historical Quarterly Vol. 48, No. 4 (December 1964), pp.
Cummings, Melbourne S. The Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. Journal of Black Studies. Vol 12, Issue 4, 1982
Dickerson, Dennis. African Methodism and Wesleyan Hymnody Bishop Henry M. Turner in Georgia, 1896-1908. Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society, Vol 3 1996.
Herndon, Jane. Henry McNeal Turner's African Dream: A Re-Evaluation. Mississippi Quarterly 22.4 (Fall 1969): 327.
Johnson, Andre E. God is a Negro: The (Rhetorical) Black Theology of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. Black Theology, Vol. 13 No. 1, April 2015, 29–40
Leeman, Richard. Speaking as Jeremiah: Henry McNeal Turner's “I Claim the Rights of a Man.” Howard Journal of Communications Volume 17, Issue 3, 2006
Livingston, Samuel. T. Search for Place: W.E.B. Du Bois’ Quest for an African Ideological and Cultural Home, 1900-1907. The International Journal of Africana Studies 2007
Martin Sandy Dwayne. Black Churches and the Civil War: Theological and Ecclesiastical Significance of Black Methodist Involvement, 1861-1865. Methodist History, 32:3 (April 1994)
Masur, Kate. The African American Delegation to Abraham Lincoln: A Reappraisal. Civil War History, Volume 56, Number 2, June 2010, pp. 117-144
Mixon, Gregory. Henry McNeal Turner Versus the Tuskegee Machine: Black Leadership in the Nineteenth Century. The Journal of Negro History Vol. 79, No. 4 (Autumn, 1994), pp. 363-380
Pinn, Anthony B. "Double Consciousness" in Nineteenth-century Black Nationalism: Reflections on the Teachings of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner." Journal of Religious Thought 52.1 (1995): 15.
Redkey, Edwin. Bishop Turner's African Dream. J Am Hist 1967; 54 (2): 271-290.
Wycoff, David (1992) Legislation Especially for the Negro? The Black Press Responds to Early Supreme Court Civil Rights Decisions. Yale Journal of Law and Liberation: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 4. (1992) pp.38-75
Academic Presentations:
Chirenje, Mutero J. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner's Countrymen: The Afro American Factor in Southern African Ethiopianism. Second African Diaspora Studies Institute Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, 24-26 August 1981.
Cummings, Melbourne S. "The Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner, Renowned Speaker, and Journalist." (1977).
Johnson, Andre E. Negroes Get Your Guns: The Prophetic Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. National Council of Black Studies. Atlanta, Georgia. March 19, 2009.
Johnson, Andre E. The Emigration and Propaganda Campaign of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. A Paper presented to the National Communication Association, November 15-18, 2007
Dissertations, Thesis, and/or Archives on or about Turner:
Alexander, Jordan. O. Trailblazer: The Legacy of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner During the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Jim Crowism. MA Thesis. Liberty University, 2016.
Angell, Stephen Warder. Henry McNeal Turner and Black Religion in the South, 1865-1900. Dissertation. Vanderbilt University, 1988 (Intro, Chapters 1-2); (Chapters 3-5); (Chapters 6-9); (Chapters 10-13); (Chapters 14-Conclusion)
Pleasant, David. Just Is, Just U.S. and Justice Episode 1: Henry McNeal Turner
History of Philosophy: God is a Negro
Johnson, Andre E. The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition. Lexington Books, 2012
Lankford, John A. Unfinished Biography of Henry McNeal Turner.
Ponton, Mungo M. Life and Times of Bishop Henry M. Turner. A. B. Caldwell Pub. Co. Atlanta, Ga. 1917
Wilson, Keith P. Campfires of Freedom: The Camp Life of Black Soldiers During the Civil War. The Kent State University Press, 2002 (Chapter 5: Godly Correspondents and Military Advocates: Black Chaplains at Work in USCT Camps)
Edited Collections of Turner Writings:
Cole, Jean Lee, (ed). Freedom's Witness: The Civil War Correspondence of Henry McNeal Turner. West Virginia University Press, 2013
Johnson, Andre E, (ed). The Literary Archive of Henry McNeal Turner. Edwin Mellen Press. Volumes 1-6. (2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018)
Redkey, Edwin. Respect Black: The Writings and Speeches of Henry McNeal Turner. Arno Press (1971)
Book Chapters:
Adeleke, Tunde. Henry McNeal Turner: The Cultural Imperative of Imperialism in UnAfrican Americans: Nineteenth-Century Black Nationalists and the Civilizing Mission. The University Press of Kentucky, 1998
Angell, Stephen Ward. Henry McNeal Turner - Conservative? Radical? or Independent? in Black Conservatism: Essays in Intellectual and Political History, Peter Eisenstadt (ed). Garland Publishing, 1999.
Angell, Stephen Ward. Black Methodist Preachers in the South Carolina Upcountry, 1840-1866 in Ain't Gonna Lay My 'ligion Down, Alonzo Johnson and Paul Jersild (eds). University of South Carolina Press, 1996
Angell, Stephen Ward. The Controversy Over Women Ministry in the African Methodist Episcopal Church During the 1880's: The Case of Sarah Ann Hughes, in This Far By Faith: Readings in African-American Women's Religious Biography. By Judith Weisenfeld and Richard Newman, eds. (Rutledge: New York, 1996)
Dickerson, Dennis. Gender and the Gospel: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the Rise of the Female Clergy in Georgia, 1896-1908 in A Liberated Past: Explorations in AME Church History. AME Church, 2003.
Dittmer, John. "The Education of Henry McNeal Turner." Black Leaders of the Nineteenth Century (1988): 253-72.
Johnson, Andre E. Fighting the Devil With Fire: The Political Rhetoric of Henry McNeal Turner During Reconstruction in The Handbook of Research on Black Males. Theodore S. Ransaw, C.P. Gause, and Richard Majors. Michigan State University Press, 2019
Johnson, Andre E. I Have Had to Pass through Blood and Fire” Henry McNeal Turner and the I Rhetorical Legacy of Reconstruction in Remembering the Memphis Massacre: An American Story edited by Beverly Greene Bond and Susan Eva O'Donovan. Georgia University Press, 2020
Johnson, Andre E. Is the Negro Like Other People: Race, Religion and the Didactic Oratory of Henry McNeal Turner in Converging Identities: Blackness in the Modern African Diaspora, Julius Adekunle (ed). Carolina Academic Press, 2013
Johnson, Robert Jr. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African American Institutional Support for Repatriation in Returning Home: A Century of African American Repatriation. Africa World Press, 2005.
Lassiter, Patrice Shelton. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner: Laying the Foundation, in Generations of Black Life in Kennesaw and Marietta, Georgia. Arcadia Publishing, 1999
Redkey, Edwin. "Henry McNeal Turner: Black Chaplain in the Union Army." Black Soldiers in Blue: African American Troops in the Civil War Era (2002): 336-360.
Redkey, Edwin S. "The Flowering of Black Nationalism: Henry McNeal Turner and Marcus Garvey." Key Issues in the Afro-American Experience 2 (1974): 123.
Book Reviews:
Gatewood, Willard B. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South" by Stephen Ward Angell (Review) The South Carolina Historical Magazine Vol. 94, No. 1 (Jan. 1993), pp. 62-64
Harris, Michael W. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South. By Stephen Ward Angell. (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992. xii+ 340 pp. $34.95, ISBN 0-87049-734-0.)." The Journal of American History 80.2 (1993): 683-684.
Hill, Theon E. "The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition by Andre E. Johnson (review)." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 18.1 (2015): 184-187.
Martin, Sandy D., and Stephen Ward Angell. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South." (1993): 209-210.
Patterson, Cynthia L. "Freedom's Witness: The Civil War Correspondence of Henry McNeal Turner ed. by Jean Lee Cole (review)." American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism 24.2 (2014): 209-212.
Tucker, David M. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. 1992. Pp. xii, 340. $34.95." The American Historical Review 98.3 (1993): 953-954.
Wolfe, Margaret Ripley. "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South." The Mississippi Quarterly 47.1 (1993): 186-189.
Journal Articles:
Angell, Stephen W. A Black Minister Befriends the "Unquestioned Father of Civil Rights": Henry McNeal Turner, Charles Sumner, and the African-American Quest for Freedom. The Georgia Historical Quarterly Vol. 85, No. 1 (SPRING 2001), pp. 27-58
Alexander, Jordan O. (2015) "Trailblazer: The Legacy of Bishop Henry M. Turner During the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Jim Crowism," Bound Away: The Liberty Journal of History: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 5
Bacote, C A. H. M. TURNER Negro History Bulletin 5.6 (Mar 1, 1942): 129.
Batten, J. Minton. Henry M. Turner, Negro Bishop Extraordinary. Church History. Vol. 7, No. 3 (Sep., 1938), pp. 231-246
Blassingame, John W. Before the Ghetto: The Making of the Black Community in Savannah, Georgia,1865-1880. Journal of Social History, Vol. 6, No. 4. (Summer, 1973), pp. 463-488
Coan, Josephus R. Henry McNeal Turner: A Fearless Prophet of Black Liberation. Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center.
Coulter, Merton E. Henry M. Turner: Georgia Negro Preacher-Politician During the Reconstruction Era. The Georgia Historical Quarterly Vol. 48, No. 4 (December 1964), pp.
Cummings, Melbourne S. The Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. Journal of Black Studies. Vol 12, Issue 4, 1982
Dickerson, Dennis. African Methodism and Wesleyan Hymnody Bishop Henry M. Turner in Georgia, 1896-1908. Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society, Vol 3 1996.
Herndon, Jane. Henry McNeal Turner's African Dream: A Re-Evaluation. Mississippi Quarterly 22.4 (Fall 1969): 327.
Johnson, Andre E. God is a Negro: The (Rhetorical) Black Theology of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. Black Theology, Vol. 13 No. 1, April 2015, 29–40
Leeman, Richard. Speaking as Jeremiah: Henry McNeal Turner's “I Claim the Rights of a Man.” Howard Journal of Communications Volume 17, Issue 3, 2006
Livingston, Samuel. T. Search for Place: W.E.B. Du Bois’ Quest for an African Ideological and Cultural Home, 1900-1907. The International Journal of Africana Studies 2007
Martin Sandy Dwayne. Black Churches and the Civil War: Theological and Ecclesiastical Significance of Black Methodist Involvement, 1861-1865. Methodist History, 32:3 (April 1994)
Masur, Kate. The African American Delegation to Abraham Lincoln: A Reappraisal. Civil War History, Volume 56, Number 2, June 2010, pp. 117-144
Mixon, Gregory. Henry McNeal Turner Versus the Tuskegee Machine: Black Leadership in the Nineteenth Century. The Journal of Negro History Vol. 79, No. 4 (Autumn, 1994), pp. 363-380
Pinn, Anthony B. "Double Consciousness" in Nineteenth-century Black Nationalism: Reflections on the Teachings of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner." Journal of Religious Thought 52.1 (1995): 15.
Redkey, Edwin. Bishop Turner's African Dream. J Am Hist 1967; 54 (2): 271-290.
Wycoff, David (1992) Legislation Especially for the Negro? The Black Press Responds to Early Supreme Court Civil Rights Decisions. Yale Journal of Law and Liberation: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 4. (1992) pp.38-75
Academic Presentations:
Chirenje, Mutero J. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner's Countrymen: The Afro American Factor in Southern African Ethiopianism. Second African Diaspora Studies Institute Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, 24-26 August 1981.
Cummings, Melbourne S. "The Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner, Renowned Speaker, and Journalist." (1977).
Johnson, Andre E. Negroes Get Your Guns: The Prophetic Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. National Council of Black Studies. Atlanta, Georgia. March 19, 2009.
Johnson, Andre E. The Emigration and Propaganda Campaign of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. A Paper presented to the National Communication Association, November 15-18, 2007
Dissertations, Thesis, and/or Archives on or about Turner:
Alexander, Jordan. O. Trailblazer: The Legacy of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner During the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Jim Crowism. MA Thesis. Liberty University, 2016.
Angell, Stephen Warder. Henry McNeal Turner and Black Religion in the South, 1865-1900. Dissertation. Vanderbilt University, 1988 (Intro, Chapters 1-2); (Chapters 3-5); (Chapters 6-9); (Chapters 10-13); (Chapters 14-Conclusion)
Burgher, Denise and Andre E. Johnson. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner: Visionary, Preacher, Prophet. Colored Conventions Project.
Christler, Ethel Maude. Participation of Negroes in the Government of Georgia, 1867-1870. MA Thesis. Atlanta University, 1932
Cummings, Melbourne Stenson. The Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner, Leading Advocate in the African Emigration Movement, 1866-1907. Diss. University of California, Los Angeles., 1972.
Foster, Toussaint. The Black Nationalism of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner (1860-1900). Queens College, The City University of New York. MA Thesis, 1976.
Herndon, Jane Walker. Henry McNeal Turner: Exponent of American "Negritude." Georgia State College, MA Thesis, 19
Holmes, James Arthur. Black Nationalism and Theodicy: A Comparison of the Thought of Henry Highland Garnet, Alexander Crummell, and Henry McNeal Turner. Diss. Boston University, 1997.
Johnson, Andre E. The Prophetic Oratory of Henry McNeal Turner. Diss. University of Memphis, 2008
Lawe, Theodore Maxwell. The Black Reconstructionist in Georgia, 1865-1877. MA Thesis, Atlanta University, 1966.
Little, Lawrence S. A quest for self-determination: The African Methodist EpiscopalChurch during the age of imperialism, 1884-1916. Diss. The Ohio State University, 1993
Martin, Elbert T. The Life of Henry McNeal Turner, 1834 to 1870. M A Thesis, 1975.
Sanford, Paul Laurence. The Negro in the Political Reconstruction of Georgia, 1866-1872. (1947). ETD Collection for AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library. Paper 2110
Christler, Ethel Maude. Participation of Negroes in the Government of Georgia, 1867-1870. MA Thesis. Atlanta University, 1932
Cummings, Melbourne Stenson. The Rhetoric of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner, Leading Advocate in the African Emigration Movement, 1866-1907. Diss. University of California, Los Angeles., 1972.
Foster, Toussaint. The Black Nationalism of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner (1860-1900). Queens College, The City University of New York. MA Thesis, 1976.
Herndon, Jane Walker. Henry McNeal Turner: Exponent of American "Negritude." Georgia State College, MA Thesis, 19
Holmes, James Arthur. Black Nationalism and Theodicy: A Comparison of the Thought of Henry Highland Garnet, Alexander Crummell, and Henry McNeal Turner. Diss. Boston University, 1997.
Johnson, Andre E. The Prophetic Oratory of Henry McNeal Turner. Diss. University of Memphis, 2008
Lawe, Theodore Maxwell. The Black Reconstructionist in Georgia, 1865-1877. MA Thesis, Atlanta University, 1966.
Little, Lawrence S. A quest for self-determination: The African Methodist EpiscopalChurch during the age of imperialism, 1884-1916. Diss. The Ohio State University, 1993
Martin, Elbert T. The Life of Henry McNeal Turner, 1834 to 1870. M A Thesis, 1975.
Sanford, Paul Laurence. The Negro in the Political Reconstruction of Georgia, 1866-1872. (1947). ETD Collection for AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library. Paper 2110
Staff, MSRC, "TURNER, Henry McNeal" (2015). Manuscript Division. Paper 197.
Treadwell, Aaron Miles. A Third Wave Black Church Revolution: How theAME Church Evolved from 1841 to 1877, Narrated by the Life Experiences of Daniel Alexander Payne and Henry McNeal Turner. Diss. Howard University, 2017
Treadwell, Aaron Miles. A Third Wave Black Church Revolution: How theAME Church Evolved from 1841 to 1877, Narrated by the Life Experiences of Daniel Alexander Payne and Henry McNeal Turner. Diss. Howard University, 2017
Watkins, Irma. DuBois-Garvey Controversy. MA Thesis, Atlanta University, 1971
History and Development of the AME Church by Dr. McCullen, March 15, 1961 (Start at the 1:28:00 mark)
Public Scholarship on Turner
Johnson, Andre E. Henry McNeal Turner: Church Planter, Politician, and Public Theologian.
Johnson, Andre E. The Forgotten Preacher
Videos, Web Series, Podcasts, etc.:
History and Development of the AME Church by Dr. McCullen, March 15, 1961 (Start at the 1:28:00 mark)
Public Scholarship on Turner
Johnson, Andre E. Henry McNeal Turner: Church Planter, Politician, and Public Theologian.
Johnson, Andre E. The Forgotten Preacher
Videos, Web Series, Podcasts, etc.:
Cole, Jean Lee. The Book That Wouldn't Go Away
Pleasant, David. Just Is, Just U.S. and Justice Episode 1: Henry McNeal Turner
New Book Network Podcast with Hettie V. Williams: Andre E. Johnson, No Future in This Country